This is part 34 in our series ConnecTour Chronicles
Deputy Mayor Sheilagh OLeary (left) welcomed the ConnecTour cyclists to her city

Deputy Mayor Sheilagh OLeary (left) welcomes the ConnecTour cyclists to her city

Troy Media publisher Doug Firby is part of a group of Canadians who call themselves ConnecTour. Starting last May in British Columbia and ending in October in Newfoundland, they hope to make an 8,000-km bicycle journey across the country, discovering how the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped our lives and sense of community. Watch for their reports on Troy Media. More information on the cycling tour is available at 

Doug FirbyConnecTour was honoured to meet with Sheilagh O’Leary, deputy mayor of St. John’s, N.L., when we arrived in town. In addition to hosting us at Mile 0, O’Leary invited us up to her office and congratulated us on our cross-Canada bike ride.

In this video, O’Leary describes the efforts in St. John’s to build a bicycle network and improve safety for bike riders. She also reflects on mental health and the meaning of building connectivity during the difficult times brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

We thank the deputy mayor for her genuine warmth and openness. As she said, “You certainly are my tribe.” We are indeed. What a great introduction to St. John’s.

Doug Firby is president of Troy Media Digital Solutions and publisher of Troy Media. For interview requests, click here.

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